VIP Buyer Program — Homan Realty Group Inc.

 The VIP Buyer Program is detailed below:

  • We will assist you in securing a competitive financing program through our preferred lender.

  • We will opt you into our listing search portal for instant updates to all listings.

  • You will receive regular updates of all new listings that meet your criteria.

  • We’ll research and locate properties not readily available online (Off Market)

  • We’ll arrange private showings 7 days a week.

  • We will discuss the best strategy to get your offer accepted.

  • We’ll help you to prepare the offer with the terms, provisions, and addenda weighted in your best interest.

  • We’ll present the offer on your behalf and negotiate in your favor to help you secure the property at the best possible price and terms.

  • We’ll recommend several extremely competent professionals to choose from: Home, Pest, Septic, & Well Inspections

  • We will pay up to $250 towards 4-Point Inspection repairs if the seller won’t pay them. These repairs will happen after the appraisal has been received.

When you work with our Preferred Lender:

  • You will receive $300 in closing cost assistance from our preferred lender, CPF Mortgage.

  • You will receive $300 in closing cost assistance from Homan Realty Group, Inc.

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